Polly Sheppard survived the shooting at Mother Emanuel. Ms. Sheppard is a retired nurse and serves on the Mother Emanuel Memorial Foundation Board.
What do you wish everyone knew about what happened at Mother Emanuel on June 17, 2015?
I wish that everyone knew what happened in Mother Emanuel AME Church on June 17, 2015, changed my life forever. The road in our lives has many changes, but it is how we deal with the changes that makes a difference in our lives. There were two lights in that room that night, one was from the gun, and the other one was a bright light. That bright light speaks of God being with us. I believe the souls that he took were ready to be offered to the Lord. The persons that [were] left, God had a purpose that they needed to fulfill.
What has your experience been like in the time since the shooting?
My story has touched millions of people since the shooting. It has given me a great experience to meet and discuss my story with people from all walks of life. I have had the opportunity to travel the world telling my story, and my walk with God has gotten even closer every time I discuss it. I have also heard the stories of other persons who have gone through similar types of massacres like I have. It has helped me to identify even more. Bishop Tutu of Africa and Representative John Lewis have left remarkable testimonials as to how to stay encouraged and let God use me as he fulfills His prophecy. Since the shooting, all of my experiences in life are more humbling as I do the Master’s will.
What words of encouragement or advice would you give students who are faced with struggle and tough times?
Words of encouragement or advice that I would give to students who are faced with struggles and tough times are that the road in life has many bends. There are many twists and turns in this life. We must always remember that there’s nothing too hard for God. With counseling, family, and friends, God has a way of working things out for our good. Sometimes you may feel that things are not working out, but if we just hold on just a little while longer and keep the faith things will always work out. It might not be like we wanted [it] to work out, but every day will get better. Just know God is with you always and you can make it through anything.
What gives you hope for the future?
What gives me hope for the future is that we will continue to learn to love each other and be there for each other when we are going through difficult situations and stop some of these massacres that’s going on around the world.