Using the SC African American History Honorees in the classroom
In keeping with the mandate of the Educational Improvement Act, which calls for the infusion of African American History in South Carolina’s social studies curriculum, we present these individuals as key figures in South Carolina History who have made an impact on our nation and the World.
The following are suggestions about ways to introduce these figures to the English-language arts, math, science, social studies and fine arts curricula in keeping with the current academic standards.
Social Studies
- Time, Continuity, & Change
- People, Places, & Environments
- Governments
- Production, Distribution, & Consumption
- Problem Solving
- Reasoning & Proof
- Communication
- Connections
- Representation
- Observe
- Classify
- Communicate
- Read
- Write
- Communicate
- Research
Fine Arts
- Choral Music
- Visual Arts
- Theater Arts
- Making Connections with Other Genres
- Relating to History & Culture